Call or Text: (707) 940-8969 | Location: Rohnert Park, CA

Professionals Thrive After Ditching The Weight Loss Trap

  • Lifestyle Change

  • Movement Training

  • Nutrition Coaching

  • Sleep Improvement

  • Stress Management

In a culture fixated on shedding pounds, exercise often becomes a means to an end for bigger bodies while smaller bodies may feel they don't need to engage in physical activity for weight loss.

At The Wellness Outlook, we believe in prioritizing holistic well-being over the number on the scale. We can help you break free from the weight loss trap so you can live a healthier and happier life!

Why Busy Professionals Fall into the Weight Loss Trap

  • Media portrayal of thinness as the epitome of health

  • Pressure to maintain a certain appearance for professional success

  • Misinformation about health perpetuated by fad diets and trends

  • Desire for instant gratification in a results-driven culture

  • Sedentary jobs lead to reduced physical activity, emotional eating habits, and lack of sleep

What clients say about us

"I was very unproductive and was stuck in a cycle of procrastinating then feeling guilty about not doing anything, yet I just could not get myself to start on doing something.

I struggled with finding the motivation to do everyday tasks. Even just going out of bed in the morning was hard for me."

Gladys Blanco, Developer & Scrum Master

We help busy professionals wake up happy, move with ease & have more energy

When exercise is solely used to lose weight, the skinny think they don’t need to exercise and the curvy lose motivation to keep exercising leading to a sedentary lifestyle where:

You wake up drained, unmotivated, feeling a lack of purpose in life

You easily get out breath from small movements, suffer from poor mobility and joint pains

You feel tired even if you are sitting all day at work

That's why we are dedicated to help you get out of this cycle!


Are you tired of the relentless pursuit of a number on the scale?

Do you feel trapped in a cycle of exercising solely for weight loss, regardless of your body size?

If you're ready to break free from the damaging effects of the weight loss mindset and embrace a more balanced approach to wellness, this program is for you.

Our program is designed for busy professionals who:

Seek Holistic Well-being

Are Brave to Ditch the Diet Mentality

Want to Embrace Movement for Joy

Are Ready for Lasting Change

What Makes Us Unique

At The Wellness Outlook, we stand out from the crowd with our emphasis on holistic well-being and joyful movement. Here's why we're different:

We help you break free from the damaging effects of the weight loss mindset and embrace a more positive and empowering approach to movement and exercise.

We celebrate bodies of all shapes and sizes, promoting body positivity and self-acceptance at every step of your wellness journey.

We believe in moving your body for the sheer joy of it, focusing on activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment, rather than exercise solely for weight loss.

Our program fosters an upward spiral for positive change, where small wins and progress fuel continued motivation and success.

We understand that everyone's wellness journey is unique, which is why we offer personalized support tailored to your individual needs, goals, and preferences.

Your Wellness Journey


Set Your Wellness Vision

This step involves clarifying your goals, aspirations, and priorities in areas such as physical health, mental well-being, relationships, career, and personal growth.


Start Your Plan

This step involves breaking down your goals into actionable steps, identifying potential obstacles and challenges, and developing strategies to overcome them.


Get To Work

This step involves putting your plan into motion, making small, consistent changes to your habits and routines, and staying committed to your journey towards better health and well-being.

About Katie Durana and The Wellness Outlook

Katie Durana

Hi I'm Katie Durana. That's me in the picture.

I'm the owner of The Wellness Outlook, the online wellness coaching services based in Rohnert Park, California. I live in K section and loves to walk around the Twin Creeks Park.

You see, I specialize in helping people like you get maximum enjoyment, fulfillment, and satisfaction from your life.

I've been coaching busy professionals since 2015 and in that time I've helped them get unstuck, progress, and move towards the best and healthiest version of themselves.

But since you don't quite know me yet, I want to prove my claims to you.

That's why I'm offering you a FREE CONSULT. All you have to do is click the button below to claim it.

Referral Program

Spread the word and earn rewards! Refer a friend to our program and receive a $50 gift card as a token of our appreciation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your approach different from other wellness programs?

Unlike traditional coaching and training methods, wellness coaching empowers you to become the expert in your own life. By recognizing that you are the only one who truly knows what's best for you, we work together to tap into your inner wisdom and create sustainable habits that align with your values and goals. This personalized approach fosters a deeper sense of ownership and commitment, making you more likely to stick to your newfound habits and achieve lasting results.

FAQ image

How long will it take to see results?

Every individual's journey to better health is unique, so the timeline for seeing results may vary. However, with commitment and consistency, many of my clients begin to notice positive changes within 1 to 2 weeks. Remember, sustainable progress takes time, and I'll be here to support you every step of the way.

What if I am not fit and haven't worked out at the gym before?

While working out at the gym is an option, it's important to know that it's not the only way to incorporate movement and fitness into your life. There are countless enjoyable and effective ways to stay active, such as taking a leisurely walk in nature, trying out a new yoga class, dancing to your favorite tunes at home, or even tending to your garden. My program is all about finding activities that bring you joy and can easily fit into your daily routine. Together, we'll explore various options and discover what works best for you and your unique lifestyle.

Can I still enjoy my favorite foods if I embark on this journey?

Absolutely, you can still enjoy your favorite foods. Food should not only nourish your body but also bring you joy and connect you with others. My approach to nutrition focuses on balance, flexibility, and mindfulness. We'll work together to find a healthy and sustainable way of eating that includes your favorite foods while supporting your overall health and wellness goals. It's all about creating a positive and enjoyable relationship with food that nourishes both your body and soul.

What do I get in your wellness program?

Free Consultation: We'll start with a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs and goals.

Wellness, Stress & Autonomy Assessment: We'll conduct an in-depth assessment to understand your current wellness status and areas for improvement.

Onboarding Call: An initial call to kick off our coaching journey and set expectations.

Personalized Wellness Vision and Plan: Together, we'll create a personalized vision and plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Weekly 60-Minute Coaching Sessions: Regular sessions to provide guidance, support, and accountability.

Wellness Journal Reviews: We'll review and analyze your wellness journal to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Mid-week Check-In: A mid-week check-in to touch base, address any challenges, and provide additional support.

Daily Movement Training & Exercise Program: Training program to help you incorporate movement and exercise into your daily routine.

Nutrition & Healthy Eating Habits Coaching: Guidance and support to develop healthy eating habits and make better nutrition choices.

Sleep Improvement & Stress Management Strategies: Strategies and techniques to improve sleep quality and manage stress effectively.

Monthly Assessment & Plan Adjustment: Monthly assessments to review progress and make adjustments to your plan as needed.

Text & Email Support Monday to Friday 9 to 5 PM PST: Additional support via text and email during designated hours.

Personalized Wellness Map: A personalized wellness map to guide you on your continued wellness journey after completing the program.

Supportive Community: A supportive space to embark on a journey towards holistic well-being, one step at a time.

Will your program help me lose weight?

The program is designed to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle, so you can wake up feeling happy, fulfilled, and energized every day. By learning and adopting healthy habits, you'll experience greater ease of movement, reduced pain, and increased energy levels.

It's important to recognize that weight is just one aspect of overall health, and it's not the only indicator of well-being. Less weight doesn't always equate to being healthier, and more weight doesn't necessarily mean being unhealthy.

While you may or may not experience weight loss as a result of the program, you are guaranteed to feel better, healthier, and happier overall. Our focus will be on nourishing your body, mind, and spirit, so you can thrive in all aspects of your life.

How often will we meet for coaching sessions or check-ins?

The typical structure involves weekly coaching sessions, mid-week check-ins, and daily support via text, call, or email. However, I understand that everyone's schedule and needs are different, so we can adjust the frequency of our interactions based on your preferences and requirements. Whether you prefer more frequent check-ins or feel comfortable with less, I'm here to accommodate your needs and provide the support you need to succeed on your wellness journey.

Discover the personalized support and guidance you need to reach your wellness goals towards a healthier and happier you.

What I Offer


The Trial


Ideal for individuals who are curious about my wellness coaching services and want to dip their toes into the water before committing to a longer-term program. This trial period provides a taste of what to expect from our coaching relationship and allows clients to assess whether my approach aligns with their needs and goals.


The Transformation


Designed for individuals who are ready to make meaningful changes to their health and well-being and are committed to investing in their long-term success. This program provides ample time to establish healthy habits, implement sustainable lifestyle changes, and see significant progress towards your wellness goals.


The Committed


Perfect for those who are serious about transforming their health and are committed to making lasting changes for a healthier, happier life. This extended program allows for deeper exploration, greater accountability, and continued support as you work towards your wellness goals. You'll have the time and resources to address underlying issues, overcome obstacles, and create a solid foundation for long-term success.


The Totally Committed


For individuals who are fully dedicated to prioritizing their health and well-being and are committed to achieving sustainable, life-changing results. This comprehensive program offers a full year of personalized coaching, guidance, and support, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your wellness journey and experience transformative growth. With ongoing accountability, education, and encouragement, you'll have the tools and resources you need to create a healthier, happier lifestyle that lasts a lifetime.

With a holistic approach that prioritizes balance, flexibility, and support, The Wellness Outlook is committed to guiding you towards lasting transformation and a renewed sense of vitality.

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Contact Us

+1 707-940-8969

Rohnert Park, California

©2023 – The Wellness Outlook | All Right Reserved